Monday, October 09, 2006

Reclaiming the Valley of Tears For Others

Whenever we find ourselves in the Valley of Tears, Psalm 84:5-7 gives us some helpful advice for traversing the difficulties we find besetting our lives. Our loss may be the loss of a relationship, our job, our health, or that in which we have placed our security. Regardless of the nature of our difficulties, God has given us sound advice for getting through them.

In Psalm 84:6 we are encouraged to reclaim the valley for future travelers. When we find ourselves in a difficult life situation, we need to not let that painful experience be wasted. It is important that there be a purpose to be accomplished as a result of our experience. We need to gain something from it, and then pass on what we have gained to others who will find themselves in a similar situation.

Psalm 84:6 (NASB) reads, “…while passing through the valley of Baca (tears), they make it a spring.” While we are passing through the valleys, we need to turn our tears into springs that can nourish others who will make a similar journey after us. Our tears become a part of the springs that will give nourishment to others.

For the Old Testament Patriarchs, springs were places where one encountered God. We need to turn our deep valley experiences into places where we encounter God. In your valley experience, look for God, learn about God, and learn from God. Discover what God is doing in the experience, and what you can learn in this experience about God, about yourself, or about life. Discover what you are gaining from this that can become a source of strength for others in a similar situation.

Springs were not only places to encounter God, but they were also places to receive God’s renewing power. After days of a wearying journey, fresh water from a spring would refresh the body, the spirit and one’s outlook. When we encounter God, and gain renewing strength from that encounter, we gain new energy to continue the journey.

The psalmist continues that those traveling the valley of tears go from strength to strength. I paraphrase that to mean that we need to walk with God instead of running ahead of the supply wagons. When we find ourselves in a painful situation, what is our main desire? It is to get out of the situation as quickly as possible! None of us like to suffer. We don’t like the uncertainty of the valley. We try to run away from the situation as quickly as we can, instead of walking with God through the situation.

When a person leaves the supply wagon to try to get out of the desert as quickly as possible, he or she is heading for worse trouble. This is why it is so important for us to walk with God, journeying from strength to strength. As God gives us strength to go on, then journey on. As we use the strength God supplies, He will give us new strength to continue the journey until we come out of the valley. Remember that verse six states that we are traveling through the valley of tears, which means if we continue to walk with God, we will come out of the valley.

As we journey through the valley, we need to rejoice, knowing that one day we will exit from the valley. So be confident that God is working in you and in this situation. Something important is being accomplished. Be joyful that the outcome of this valley experience will bring strength to you and to others.

By way of summarizing this series of articles, when we pass through the Valley of Tears we should: 1) Remember that even a blessed person suffers. 2) Rely upon the Lord to be our strength to make the journey. 3) Keep your heart on heaven, and heaven in our hearts, i.e. commit yourself to take the high moral way rather than giving in to low ways such as bitterness, hatred or retribution. 4) Continually remind yourself that you are passing through and will come out the other side. 5) Don’t waste the experience; use it to help those who will experience similar valleys. 6) Don’t run ahead of God, or away from the pain. Face the pain with the strength God gives to you. 7) Rejoice that one day you will indeed emerge from the Valley of Tears, and arrive to live with God in a place where there are no more tears, no more sorrows, only joy evermore! May God empower you on your journey!

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